Saturday, July 25, 2009

[TRANS] 090724 DBSK Mobile Blog


Kim Junsu is...
Sleeping, after watching a movie. His eyes are closed, and his nose is making weird noises and it sounds like a song. [laughs]

Shim Changmin is...
Trying to regain his spirit and prepare for the A-Nation Music Festival.

Kim Jaejoong and Park Yoochun are...
Working together on their new song, and listening to [Jaejoong's?] iPod together. <3>A little later on...

Kim Jaejoong is...
Downloading music for his iPod~ <3>And a bit later...

DBSK is...
Someplace where it is beautiful, taking group photos...
Q: What photos were they taking?
A: Let's wait and see<3

Source: dnbn
Translated by: ♡♥{東方神起}♥♡ @

-- woot! and we're back! lol


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