Sunday, August 16, 2009

[INFO] 090807 Heaven's Postman Series Will Premiere in September

The "Heaven's Postman" movie series will premiere in September.

This is a film and television series where South Korea and Japan cooperated together to create this production. There were popular Japanese and Korean actors/actresses and playwrighters that cooperated with each other to create this series.

The video series will be premiered on the 18th of September in Huating Gym of the Seoul Unniversity in Korea.
The series is 7 movies long.

The shooting of this series has started since last year October, and has had been edited many times until it has now been completed.

Fans have been looking forward to it, and it is expected to be a great success.

Translation: Wynniie @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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