Wednesday, August 5, 2009

[TRANS] 090804 Yunho, "In the beginning, I felt depression in Japan."

Popular group TVXQ's U-know Yunho said, "In the beginning, I felt depression in Japan." He felt this at the beginning of doing activities in Japan.

U-know Yunho stated, "When I was having depression, it felt really painful." Yunho, on the 31st July at MBC's "Section TV" was talking about his past. "When I reached Japan, I knew no one and there was communication problems, creating this depression. To fix this, I could only talk to people nonstop."

At the same time, Yunho would wish that his shoulder would be broader, meaning he's currently doing his training.
Yunho would be debuting as an actor in "Heading to the Ground" in September

Translation: mel @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
Shared by: ♡ 주문 ♥ DBSK sanctuary
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