Sunday, August 2, 2009

[FAN] 090802 From Cassiopeia To TVXQ! & No1 Searching Daum!

There are 2 ways of supporting and encouraging the boys right now! And it seems like they are both successful!!

First, i wanna share this link, it's like an appliance that provide you way to send message to TVXQ!

There're 1148 Signatures (Comments) in total at the moment! You can send an encouraging message to them as a signature. And read others' signatures as well! Please sign at least once (i don't think any of you won't lol and would sign even hundreds), i've signed only once but i think i will sign some more later, just left places for other countries' fans ^^


This is a fanvid from DNBN. They've collected all the project-participants' letters and make a special video for TVXQ!Please watch, you can feel Cassiopeia's POWER. I guess most of them are Korean, cause they are almost written in Korean, i really want to do this but i'm doubt cause i don't know any bit of the language. But i think i will write in English maybe There're always ways!! Although they may not understand, but just simple English? Chun would definitely can <3>


Cassiopeia. I mean Cassiopeia all over the world have succeeded in searching Mihduyo LOL I mean push some lines related to TVXQ! and the issues recently on top of DAUM!!

As you can see, 1-2-3-4 and 11 are all about them, and if i'm not wrong, 10th means Cassiopeia XD 1st is Mihduyo TVXQ! 2nd is Saranghae TVXQ! 3rd and 4th are something i don't understand >< ent =")Others,">

It's not written by me... But what she says make sense. Anyway, I've involve in that Daum. LOL. I see things blindly as I can't read Hangul. Just can recognise DBSK, the members name & saranghae. Recently, miduhyo. LOL


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